Wednesday, February 29, 2012

MoneyBall Response

1) What was the “Moneyball” approach that Billy Beane and Peter Brandt applied to the Oakland Athletics 2002 season? Was it an “art” or a “science”? What single statistic did they boil their value consideration down to?

They went by the statisticks not by what the scouts thought about the players. It was much more of a science rather than an art because of how they went around finding out who they would have taken up rather than who they felt in their gut. The single most important statistic that they used as their core value was that they got on base rather than a conjoined of several lower things or how they looked.

2) What is the equation used to calculate OBP?

OBP-On-Base Percentages=             Hits +Walks +Hit By a Pitch
                                             At Bats +Walks +Hit By a Pitch +Sacrifice Flies

3) What is design?

Design is the prose’s of defining the problem to finding possible solutions to getting a solution and the two revising the solution, and starting it all over again.

4) Describe 3 situations where movie characters (intentionally or not) applied a step from the PLTW 12 Step Design Process. Explain both the (a) situation as well as (b) how the step is relevant:

1 -In the beginning where Billy is with all the scouts and they are think of who to hire to make up for the people they lost and Billy makes them think of what the real problem is.

2 - Peter's whole reason that he has to hire some people and fire others is that he has a long equation that gives him the averages of the player. And that lets him help the players even more.

3 - And through the whole move Billy is revising his team and making it better and making shure that his coach plays the team how he wants them to be coached.

5) What is “Leadership”? List the three aspects of leadership that we come up with in class.

1 - Direction
2 -Alignment
3 - Vision

6) Describe 3 circumstances from the story where a character exercised effective leadership:
1 - Through the movie Billy always has a direction he wants his team to go in and it is always a good one and its consistent.

2 - Billy always on track and never straying from what he has to do for his team.

3 -Billy consistently is trying to do what is best for his team even though he is staring in the face of great challenge.

7) According to the movie, what was the A’s record at the start of their winning streak? 68:51
8) What does this ratio simplify to? 1.33: 1

9) How long was the A’s record setting winning streak? 20 games won.

10) Given the A’s win/loss ratio at the start of the streak, what are the odds of winning 20 games in a row? Run the numbers.
The odds were about 0.000013 chances that they would win the 20 games. And it would take about 474 seasons to achieve this 20 game winning streak,

11) Based on your calculation, do you think the A’s got lucky or was there something to the Moneyball approach?

I think that they had a bit of luck with some of the Moneyball approach filling in the rest of the reason that they won.

12) Did Billy Beane strictly apply the “science” of Moneyball to his management approach? Was there an “art” to his efforts as well? Describe a circumstance where he broke from the Moneyball approach to make a positive change for the team.

Billy Bean did not go completely Moneyball but was greatly influence by it and it was partly his art that helped him to make other decisions. The only time that he strayed from his plan was when he had to triad some people to twist they had of the coach so that he would play the team how Billy wanted him to.

Bonus Question
Money Ball was originally a book. What author wrote the book? What other books has this author written? Is there a theme to his writing?
Michael Lewis wrote the book along with The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game, Coach: Lessons on the Game of Life, and Liar's Poker. All of these have a common theme of the little guy coming up and winning it all.


Circular Pattern


Tapered Extrusions

Chamfer/ Fillet

Intersect Extrusions






Midplane Extrusions
Rectangular Pattern along a Path

Rectangular Pattern





1.    What 3-D CAD functions could be used to create a wire coat hanger?
 The Sweep function would be the best to use to make a wire coat hanger.

2.    What feature would be used to create a 3-D representation of a spindle that was created on a wood lathe?
 The Revolve tool would be best to use to make a spindle.

3.    How does a 3-D CAD solid model program keep track of the changes that are made to an object?
 On the left side thier is a list of what is changed or modified.

4.    If a mistake is made, how does the user make a correction without using the undo function?
They could do the opposit of what they did in the first place or deleate the item frome the bar on the left.

Balsa Wood Planes

1) Provide a breif description of the activity. Who did you work with? What did you build? What challenges did you overcome to succesfully craft your aircraft?
I worked with Toby and we made a balsa wood plain that was not compleatly succesfull but good enouph to fly. We finished most of our project early so I started to build a second triangular wing just for fun because we had enouph material and time. Through our building period several things went wrong sutch as our stabaliser breading and having to be repaired and then to our rear flap paper being taired off by axsident and then to our pribary wing being compleatly destroyed by Toby.

2) Post a photo of your glider under construction./Post a photo of your finished design.

4) Describe how you tested your aircraft and tuned its flight characteristics.

We tested it in the quad and when it was not flying as wanted we first adjusted the wings by pusing them back or formard as neaded, and when more was neaded we put a wedge under the stabaliser so that the wings would have a more defined slant.

5) Describe how well your aircraft flew in our competition. Did you win any events (furthest distance, longest time aloft)? Were you competative in our best decorated flier competition?

During the event my plane did not fly the farthest or the shortest. But it was more of a plane that would rather do loops than go strait, and also it flew better upside down rather than strait. I may have ben a compedetor in the best decorated flier competition becasue mine had a uniqu wing shape.

6) Pick three steps from the PLTW 12 step design process and describe how your team worked through these during the course of this experience.

      Identify Criteria and Specify Constraints- We found out what the rules were and how we had to do the project and how much time we had to compleat it so that we could plan our building acordingly.
     Select an Approach- Once we knew what we neaded to do we found out in what order we wanted to build firs, second, and third. 
     Test and Evaluate the Design using Specification- Wen we were finished with every thing we took our plain out side and tested the two different wings that we had made.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Marble Drop

During one of our block period projects my design for a project was chosen to do with the hole class during that class and I think that it was used with other classes also.
This is an example fo what our Marble Drop looked like in the end.