I earned 11 achevements
Design Achievements
Here are the design based Achievements that we earned:
• Define the Problem and Brainstorm Solutions
State the problem you are designing a solution for. List at least 20 ideas you have regarding your solution.
The problem we were solving was to get into the pool and not sink
-displace a lot of water
-go to albertsons and get cardbord
-make a kyayk shape
-several layers of cardbord
-a sail
-a fan
-a paddle
-steam power
- fly over the pool
-cardbord raft
-have an inflatabel portion
-make a surfbord
-tall walls
Criteria & Constraints
List or reference the specified Criteria and Constraints you're designing for. List at least one implied criteria. List at least three implied contsraints.
-The boat must only be made of cardbord and ducktape
-It must sit at least one person and be able to suport their weight
-Our boat was made to float a small person
-The boat must have side walls
Sketch Ideas
Draw 3 different sketches for possible designs. Label at least 3 key features for each sketch. Describe the feature's functionality so a viewer understands why the called out feature is important.
Prototype Ideas
Craft physical prototypes (models) of each of your three sketches. Use a notecard or post it note to call out at least one key feature on each model. Post the images to your blog and describe the key feature that you've pointed out on each.
We had them but they were not on the computers when we opend them up again.
Select an Approach
Generate feedback (+, change, ?, !) and make a decision matrix regarding your sketches/prototypes. Specify the approach you've chosen and justify your selection.
-we will probrally not be doing the roling desie becuase it would take two much tape and two much time to construct and will probrally flood the second we put it into the watter
-the triangle desine looks like a good idea but it may be hard to cut out the curved ends exactly corect to eachother
-I'm not shure where we got the idea for the roling one from but it looks like it could maby be good with a lought of revition
Build It!
Build your watercraft. Document it with a presentable photo.
This is the inside of our boat and it has a nice little seat
This is a side view of our boat and it has one centerboard
and two fins that stick out of the sides
This is a back view of our boat and again it has a long centerboard
and two smaller fins on the sides
The Early Bird Gets the Achievement
Awarded to the team with the fastest build.
We were the first team to finish our boat.
Earn this by building a non-flat bottom
Our boat did not have a flat bottem because it had fins
How Low Did You Go?
How low in the water did your canoe sit (roughly)? Was it suprising how little your boat went down in the water? What is the unit weight of water in pounds? How much did your pilot weigh (roughly)? Use math to help explain the depth that your boat sat in the water.
It was suprising how short our boat stayed in the water because right wen we got into the water it fliped and colapsed
If we were to do another Carboard Canoe race next semester, what would you build? Draw from everything you experienced in your class and propose the most competative solution. Include a sketch with key features and dimensions labeled.
I would tape each peace of cardbord individualy and make the tape neat
The desine of the boat would be wide so that it would not capsise like ours did right wen we put it into the water
(Make Your Own Achievement)
Make an achievement of your own design that you can award yourself for something awesome your team did. (Example "Transformer" - although our canoe sunk, our team was able to convert it into a surfboard style design and continue competeting!)
Our achevement would be
The First Boat to sink and we won this one hands down